Mike Poggione

SDI Instructor Trainer, TDI Instructor Trainer, SDI CD IT, SDI Course Director, PADI Master Instructor, PADI IDC Staff Instructor, PADI MSDT, FRTI Instructor Trainer, EFR Instructor Trainer & HSI Instructor Trainer. (Wow, that is a lot of letters and stuff. I guess the most important thing is Mike likes scuba and is qualified to teach just about every level).
Specialties Instructor and Instructor Trainer: A whole bunch of stuff... just imagine some long list here that really only impresses other instructors. Mike is also an IT Ambassador with SDI
I have been diving since 1992. My favorite dive site is the Wreck of the Regina. My favorite type of diving is wreck diving, Sometimes I post on the facebook but I'm not that good at it. I have an instagram too... also not very good at it. I am underwater a lot. 52 for 52.