
Michael Poggione   Mar 23, 2020



Starting June 4th, Motor City Scuba will be open 10am-5pm Monday-Friday for standard retail operations. Other days and times will remain by appointment only.  We eventually plan on returning to our regular hours.  (EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 2020-110)

Also as of June 4th, Motor City Scuba will be resuming dive training that has no confined water requirements. 

EO 2020-110 14) a. Outdoor fitness classes, athletic practices, training sessions, or games, provided that coaches, spectators, and participants not from the same household maintain six feet of distance from one another at all times during such activities, and that equipment and supplies are shared to the minimum extent possible and are subject to frequent and thorough disinfection and cleaning.

as required by EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 2020-97


Starting Tuesday May 26, Motor City Scuba will resume retail operations by appointment only. No appointment needed for Air fills, Nitrox and Gear Service.

 We're excited to announce we our now open for regulator services and gas fills on a one-on-one basis.

Come see us for all your scuba needs or call to schedule your service appointment!

We have adjusted our hours: Monday-Friday 10am - 5pm.

We are encouraging divers to schedule appointments for gear drop off.
(248) 615-3483

(May 4th)

Under the governor’s updated “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order people are allowed to “engage in outdoor recreational activity, consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household.

 (April 28)

DAN Quick Guide to Scuba Gear Disinfection

Divers Alert Network has received questions about the virus entering a scuba cylinder as a result of contaminated air being drawn into the compressor. During the process of compressing air, using the ideal gas equation T2 = T1 x (P2/P1)(n-1)/n  we can calculate that a four-stage compressor with 1 ATA inlet pressure and an 80°F environment pumping air up to 29 ATA or around 4000 psi, would have an inter-stage temperature inside the cylinder of 224 °F. This calculation is very basic and does not account for anything outside of ideal conditions. However, it does indicate the instantaneous temperature at the moment of peak pressure.

In reality, the outlet valve temperature will likely be 170°F-190°F, and the gas temperature around 150°F, occurring during each stage of the compressor (i.e. four cycles for a four-stage compressor assuming each stage’s outlet temperature is the same). Because this is definitively hot enough to kill SARS-CoV-2, it is therefore unlikely that COVID-19 would survive this process should an infected individual cough into the compressor intake. It is important to note that infected droplets exhaled by a person can be as small as 0.5 micron; the filter systems alone would not remove these, but the virus should be dead at that stage.

(April 14)

Outdoor Activity FAQ from State of Michigan,9753,7-406-98810---,00.html?page=1&limit=25&filterCategories=,99122&searchQuery=

(April 10)

Link to Michigan's 2020-42 executive order which extends and expands “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. To Save Lives Governor directs all Michiganders to stay home, stay safe through April 30th.

(April 9th)


Michigan DNR FAQ about COVID-19 and the Stay-at-Home Order:,4570,7-350-79137_79770_98926---,00.html?fbclid=IwAR16ZUDeMWoaBqzVqgskiWxIRzD4sbhYuaDFUf2Q-sCqq12xvgB9TPEoB-s
 (April 7, 2020)

Divers are getting underwater.  
 (April 4, 2020)

 Executive Order 2020-21 FAQ

(March 26, 2020)

Link to Michigan's: Executive Order 2020-21

7. Exceptions.
 A, Individuals may leave their home or place of residence, and travel as necessary:

1: To engage in outdoor activity, including walking, hiking, running, cycling, or any other recreational activity consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household.

(March 25. 2020)

State of Michigan website info:

This order takes effect on March 24, 2020 at 12:01 am, and continues through April 13, 2020 at 11:59 pm.

(March 24, 2020)


Outdoors activities are currently still allowed and scuba is a great way to stay away from others. If you need air fills we are working out some options for you. Contact the store: 248 615-3483

We will be monitoring the phone.

(March 23, 2020)
